Chances of Becoming Pregnant - Ways to Become Pregnant Fast Revealed

Chances of becoming pregnant revealing ways to become pregnant explained in its simplest form. Many a time pregnancy seems an unachievable task o many  couples but it does not seem to be so. If right methods are employed pregnancy issue can be the easiest goal per se. In this article you will be exposed to the secret facts about pregnancy you have not heard before or you have been taken negligence of.

By following the five points below, you will greatly increase your chances of becoming pregnant shortly. Study carefully an follow each tips accordingly
1. Increase sex before ovulation. Pregnancy rates peak two days before ovulation so try to have sex on these days plus the two days after. Since an egg can survive for only 12 to 48 hours in the uterus, you stand a greater chance of becoming pregnant on these days. Ovulation usually occurs 14 days into a woman's menstrual cycle -- that's 14 days after the period. If you can map out your most fertile period on a calendar, you can determine when is the best time to have sex.
2. Go in for family counselling with your partner. Checking in with your health care provider before you start having children is not a bad idea. By doing so, you can get to go over each other's medical history, review your current list of medications to see if they impact on fertility, conduct a gynaecological exam, and test for sexually transmitted diseases. "Chlamydia and gonorrhoea are the two main causes of infertility because they cause damage or blockage to the fallopian tubes so that sperm can't move through," explained obstetrician/gynaecologist Dr Leslie Meade, who further noted that something as simple as chicken pox could impact fertility since a man who gets it over 40 years old could have a reduction in his sperm count.
Click here to find out HOW TO BE PREGNANT FAST now
3. Stop taking birth control in advance. Some birth control methods like Depo-Provera, for example, might impact your ability to become pregnant even after you've discontinued using them. "So if you are planning to get pregnant, you should try to come off this a couple months before," explain Dr Meade. You can use a barrier method such as a condom while you try to wean yourself off other contraceptives and then stop using the condom the minute you want to start trying to have a child.
4. Do it without the lube. Lubricants can reduce your chances of becoming pregnant because they are toxic to sperm and interfere with the role of cervical mucous. The alkalinity of the vaginal mucous usually protects the sperm before ovulation, so store bought, artificial and even home-made lubricants create a problem for those wanting to become pregnant. "That's why we recommend water-based lubricants which tend to be better," said Dr Meade. But if you plan on becoming a mommy soon, increasing foreplay is the best choice on increasing your chances to become pregnant
5. Quit smoking. There are so many reasons to stop smoking and infertility is one of them. Smoking has been shown to harm a woman's ovaries, leading to an increased risk of miscarriage also. Regardless of whether you have been exposed to first-hand or second-hand smoking, you are at risk for infertility or might put your child in danger if you do become pregnant. If your partner is the one who smokes, he might make it difficult for you to create that family you've always dreamed about, since smoking affects a man's sperm count. "When we evaluate people, we usually ask them about smoking, whether it is ganja or cigarette, because both can lead to so many different things," Dr Meade said.
 With these five tips, you ca be rest assured that chances of becoming pregnant, how to be pregnant  and how do you become pregnant can be fully answered.